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Solar Chakra kit comes with Crystal infused Essential Oil Roller 5ML X1

Strawberry Quartz x1 & Clear Quartz, Blue Quartz & Citrine x 1 of ea

Solar Chakra:

personal power, will, energy, metabolism, effectiveness, self-esteem, social identity & happiness

Crystal used: Tiger Eye

Oils used: Ginger, Peppermint, Tarragon, Fennel, Caraway, Coriander, Anise & Fractionated Coconut oil

This easing blend has the abilities to balance the digestive system soothing many of those systems alignments. Combining the earth energy with the energies of the sun to create a higher vibrational state that is never less grounded drawing the spiritual energies to the earth. It balances the lower chakras stimulating the rise of kundalini energy. It shows the correct use of power & brings out integrity. It grounds & facilitates manifestation of the will

Location to apply blend: slightly above naval area when doing chakra work or feeling blocked. Also wear as perfume or cologne, leaving you smelling good as well as receiving the benefits this blend holds. Repeat many times throughout the day to optimise the benefits


Crystal defintions:

Raw Peach Moonstone: is the stone of new beginings& is strongly connected to the moon & its intuition. it is filled with receptive, passive feminine energy, balancing out male & female energy.

Tumbled Blue Quartz: calms the mind, aids in innerstanding your spirtual nature & inspires self belief

Tumbled Citrine: is a powerful cleanser & regenerator. it raises self - esteem & confidence & encourages self expression

Tumbled Clear Quartz : is the master healer & can be used for any condition 

Tumbled Amethyst: is an extremely powerful & protective stone, blocking geopathic stress & negative enviroment energies

Solar Chakra Kit

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