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Sacral Chakra kit comes with Crystal infused Essential Oil Roller 5ML X1

Strawberry Quartz x1 & Clear Quartz, Blue Quartz & Citrine x 1 of ea

Sacral Chakra:

emotions, relationship, sexuality, self-worth, creativity, empathy

Crystal used: Carnelian

Oils used: Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit, Mandarin, Bergamot, Tangerine, Clementine, Vanilla Bean extract & Fractionated Coconut oil

This exhilarating blend brings an uplifting & stress reducing aroma stabilizing with high energy, it is excellent for restoring vitality, motivation & for stimulating creativity emotionally this stone is a powerful protector against rage & resentment, yours, or other peoples. It calms anger & banishes emotional negativity, replacing it with a love of life.

Location to apply blend: slightly below naval when doing chakra work or feeling blocked. Also wear as perfume or cologne leaving you smelling good as well as receiving the benefits this blend holds. Repeat many times throughout the day to optimise the benefits


Crystal defintions:

Raw Peach Moonstone: is the stone of new beginings& is strongly connected to the moon & its intuition. it is filled with receptive, passive feminine energy, balancing out male & female energy.

Tumbled Blue Quartz: calms the mind, aids in innerstanding your spirtual nature & inspires self belief

Tumbled Citrine: is a powerful cleanser & regenerator. it raises self - esteem & confidence & encourages self expression

Tumbled Clear Quartz : is the master healer & can be used for any condition 

Tumbled Amethyst: is an extremely powerful & protective stone, blocking geopathic stress & negative enviroment energies

Sacral Chakra Kit

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